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No weapon can succeed against you!


Updated: Jul 31, 2023

Pastor Joe Persaud

These days there are many things that could really affect you and stop your Christian life. These days are trying times. These are times when even the most elect will be swept away. But one thing we should remember is that our God has a remnant.

When you are God's chosen, you will not be touched by the world. God will protect you. You are not walking by sight, but by faith. You are not an ordinary man or woman. You are anointed by God, appointed for a time like this. And nobody can do anything about it because God called you before the foundation of the world and before you came out of your mother's womb. There are good plans that God has for you, plans that will shake the world at its core. Plans that will make the devil run mad. Where your praise is so powerful that it makes the devil run crazy.

Solidarity in the destiny

The children of Israel were taken into slavery for 70 years by the Babylonians. But God says "Enough is enough, you have to return. God will always find a way even though you are in a pit."

The children of Israel had to return back to Babylon. But the Lord knew that the enemy was planning to try to destroy them before they reestablished. There are times in our lives when we are in a fix, in a bind, when we would not be able to know when we're able to get out. But there comes a time, miraculously, supernaturally in a way, in a moment that God says, "I'm about to change your night into day. I'm about to turn your depression into joy. I'm about to turn your sorrow into sweetness and joy."

There is a solidarity in your destiny. You used to be a prayer warrior, a faster, a worshipper, a giver to God. But now God says that you used to bringing you back to where you used to be. God is going to put your destiny and going to be in solidarity with your destiny. God is not making you return alone. God is going to send an angel from the Heavenly Throne to back you, as you are approaching.

We have to understand that when we return, we will have a united spirit. Your spirits must be in harmony. Your body must be united with your soul. Your soul must be united with your spirit. Some of you need to fix yourselves because sometimes, our worst enemies are ourselves.

We must have a feeling of unity when we return, that I won't lose this thing. Some people need to understand that at this moment in the world's history,there aremany distractions that will hold you back. You need to be united in what God tells you. As you return, here's what He's telling you.

Enlarge the place of your Tent

Some of us have tents so small that only you can get in. And all we can do is see small things. And our tent is so tiny. Let me tell you the reason why some people are not getting blessed is that they have not opened a tent to get blessed.

Some people don't understand that we live by faith and not by sight. I may not see it, but I believe it .I believe in the impossible .And I am convinced that God can provide all things and make all things for you. If your tent is too small for what God is about to do for you? Is your mindset too small for what God is about to do for you? God says "ask of me and I shall give it unto you". Stop looking at the small and start looking at life's big things. Open your tent. Open your mind. Your spirit needs to be opened up.


We have to understand that the blacksmith is somebody who could blow coals and make things happen. He could destroy it, but fixit. He would sketch out original designs and follow certain instructions. He will heat metal to the right temperature so that he can put it in the furnace and forge a certain movement. He shapesmetal with his hands. He will use tools like hammers, punches, and anvils. He will take molds, cast them, and apply finishes. He will take power tools like drills and hydraulic presses and transform them into what he will design.

If a blacksmith can do all of that, I know an even better blacksmith, Jesus Christ, who has designed a plan for your life. And the design is for you to be blessed and highly favored. Don't let the devil tell you anything else. You were never born sick. You were never born dumb. You were not destined to be in this state of trepidation and anxiety. You were not destined to be fearful, threatened and worried and quarrelsome. That's not you. You have been taken by the blacksmith, the devil, and toyed with. He made you what he wanted.

God, the blacksmith from heaven, takes you, molding you back, turning you around, putting you in a fire and fashioning you according to his image and likeness. And he's creating you and blowing the breath of life. He is also revealing his truth, beauty, and loving-kindness in you. He is renewing your mind and heart, and filling you with hope and courage. He is transforming you into the person he created you to be. He is healing your brokenness, giving you strength and joy, and showing you his unconditional love. He is empowering you to live a life of purpose and peace. He is inviting you to be in relationship with him. He is calling you to be his disciple and to share his love with the world. He is giving you the courage and strength to be a light in the darkness. He is inviting you to join him in his mission of restoration and renewal.


When the devil tries to create a weapon against you, God says, no weapon shall prosper. Weapons will be formed against you whether you're in the church for ten years or six months. Weapons will be formed against you from places you never thought they would arise from. Weapons will come from people you never expected.

If you ignore those weapons and call upon the Lord, they will not prosper against you, according to the Bible. There are some people who have done you wrong and their weapons succeed against you because you have allowed them to succeed. No weapon formed against you shall prosper. This is your heritage. Trust in the Lord and He will protect you. He will fight your battles for you. The Lord is your shield and your fortress. He will deliver you from the enemy. He will not let your foot slip and He will keep you from falling.

Breastplate of righteousness
(Ephesians 6:6)

When you have the breastplate of righteousness, no enemy shall prosper. This breastplate is a symbol of faith in God and of trusting in Him to protect us from our enemies. With God on our side, no enemy can stand against us. We can stand firm in our faith, knowing that God will never forsake us. He will always be with us, providing us with the strength and courage to face any challenge that comes our way. His perfect love will always protect us.

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